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Village scenes
Fields and paths, livestock, and maize harvest – broadband | dialup
We live off the land. Crop fields and a few livestock constitute our wealth.
We travel the 40 square kilometers of Kambi ya Simba by foot, passing villagers young and old along the way. In August, we harvest our maize and take it to the village’s one grinding machine, which turns it into flour. |
Stores and the daily pool match in the village center – broadband | dialup
The village center consists of a wide dirt square lined by a dozen or so small shops—several convenience stores, two drugstores (one for humans and the other for animals), a seamstress, fruit and vegetable stands, a place where we can charge mobile phones and watch satellite television. Two pool tables are a big draw. |
Village health clinic and doctor – broadband | dialup
In Tanzania, there is one doctor for every 23,000 people. In Kambi ya Simba, we walk to the village dispensary when we are sick, whether it’s a bad cold or malaria. The doctor treats us with whatever medicines—always in short supply—that he has. Most women come to the dispensary to deliver their babies, too. |
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